For most people, the word DJ is associated with a brightly dressed person in headphones, who is on stage, dancing and performing beautiful, but not entirely clear manipulations with equipment to the music. But the main work of a competent specialist begins long before the event. Discussion and coordination of the musical repertoire, preliminary inspection of the site, calculation of the required set, delivery, installation and dismantling of equipment – all these organizational moments always remain behind the scenes)
So how does a DJ work? What are his responsibilities? As a rule, in most establishments there is no stationary equipment, the primary task of the DJ is to arrive at the site before the arrival of all guests, to install, configure and check the sound, light, video projector and other equipment necessary for this event. Further, depending on the format of the event and its scenario, a DJ with or without a host works for several hours, satisfying the musical needs of the guests) After the event is completed, the equipment is dismantled and removed.
How much do DJ services cost
When preparing for an event, the organizers have another frequently asked question on the network – how much do DJ services cost? A professional DJ for a holiday is a rather demanded profession in the event field, especially if he has a large and, importantly, continuous work experience and at the same time develops creatively, meeting all the expectations of the client who orders this service. That is why DJ services cannot be very cheap or completely free. The cost is formed based on the set technical tasks and the format of the upcoming event.
Let’s imagine a situation, you turn to a specialist who says: and the DJ is not even interested in what venue, how many people and what is planned at the event itself. You, as a customer, say: The price suits me, you meet at the site on the day of the event and then it turns out that the equipment that the DJ brought with him, let’s say, the “standard set” is not enough for the performance of invited artists, a cover band, or it is completely absent, because When you called, you did not discuss this moment. An awkward situation, isn’t it?
To avoid such misunderstandings, it is necessary to discuss the upcoming event in detail, and only after it is clear how many guests you plan to invite, whether there will be an entertainment program from the presenter and what venue has been chosen for the holiday, it will be possible to safely answer the very question – how much do DJ services cost? .
We conclude from the above – the cost of DJ services can be determined only after all the details of the upcoming event are known. As a rule, the average price of a DJ service in St. Petersburg with a set of equipment for events up to 50 people is about 2000 – 3000 Rupees per hour, depending on the day of the week and the format of the holiday.